Annex 1.1. Results of survey and observations in the Khatlon region
Migratory aspects of the aviauna of the research area.
Spring migration of birds
1.According to the approved ToR and the project schedule for the CASA-1000 project, studies on bird migration were conducted during the birds migratory period in spring 2017 in the vicinity of the high-voltage transmission line (HVTL) in the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan.
2.The purpose of the work was to conduct spring observations at a permanent field station in CASA corridor area, not far from Sangtuda HPP. The research tasks included assessment of migratory birds flux, identification of birds mass groups, determination of migrants species composition, intensity of their movements, migration directions, daily activity and height of flight. At the same time, foot inspections of the adjacent areas were carried out at the places of transmission lines for the detection of dead or wounded birds under them.
Material and methods of research
3.The standard methodology of migratory bird count was applied; the methodology was tested and widely used in Central Asian countries and Russia (Western Siberia) in the 70-90s (Gavrilov, 1975, 1977), and is entirely suitable for monitoring migratory birds in the Republic of Tajikistan (Abdusalamov, Lebedev, 1986, Abdusalamov, Kostina, Muratov, 1986), providing information on the whole region.
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