Project Management Consultant:
Connection of target settlements in Khatlon region of Tajikistan to Barqi Tojik’s electricity distribution network
Terms of Reference
1. Background and project description
In parts of Khatlon region of Tajikistan, bordering Afghanistan, there are 74 settlements with total population of 31,460 without access to electricity. Those settlements could not be connected to the grid due to severe financial difficulties of Barqi Tojik (BT), which could not afford to connect those households to the distribution network. To address this issue, the Republic of Tajikistan requested the World Bank support and received IDA financing as part of the Tajikistan Rural Electrification Project. Specifically, the Component 2 of the project will be financing connection to the electricity distribution network of 74 settlements. The investments will cover the cost of distribution infrastructure, including construction of 35/10/0.4 kV distribution lines, installation of additional distribution transformers in existing substations, and connection of households and public facilities. For all target settlements, access to energy services will be ensured by connecting the settlements to BT’s centralized network because this is the least economic cost solution considering the proximity of the target settlements to the power distribution network. Most of the settlements are located within 0.5-2 km range from the distribution system.
BT has engaged the Energy Sector Project Management Unit (ESPMU) – a state establishment - to carry out the project activities, including procurement, FM, technical supervision, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). ESPMU/BT will need support of an experienced consultant to prepare for and supervise various aspects of the proposed grid-connection works.
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