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Construction 500 KV Transmission Line South, Central and North Parts of Tajikistan

Resettlement Action Plan

Section: 500 HVAC Transmission Line Route (T/L Central segment)



1. Involuntary acquisition of lands could result in physical and economic displacement warranting the preparation of a site specific Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) to address such issues in a manner to ensure, at least, the same level of well-being of affected people with the project as without it. The RAP presented herein relates to addressing permanent/temporary land acquisition as a result of the construction of electrical transmission lines (TL) construction and operation under the Central Asia-South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project (CASA-1000). The RAP is prepared based on the provisions of the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), which was approved by the Government of Tajikistan and WB in 2014.

(More detailed information can be found in the file)

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