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Section 1: Introduction- This section provides background, objectives and overall context to the project. The Government of Tajikistan has requested the Asian Development Bank to support a project to rehabilitate and upgrade the power supply in the Vose district of Khatlon province, in southern Tajikistan.
The project includes the following components: (i) fully rehabilitate 110/35/10kV Vose substation (replace all switchgear; replace and increase the capacity of transformers; built additional 110kV bay and connect substation to SCADA); (ii) construct a new 110/10 kV Rudaki substation with one 110kV and eight 10 kV bays; and (iii) construct a new 10 km 110 kV transmission line connecting Vose substation and the new Rudaki substation. The national electricity company Barki Tojik on its own account will interconnect 10 kV lines (LV-9, LV-12 and LV-16) to the new Rudaki substation.
The Republic of Tajikistan has received a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to upgrade and rehabilitate the Golovnaya Hydropower Plant, 80 kilometres south of Dushanbe in southern Tajikistan and to increase supply of renewable energy to national and regional power systems. The Golovnaya HPP Rehabilitation Project is currently being implemented. The Executing Agency (EA) is Open Joint Stock Company Barki Tojik (BT). The Implementing Agency is the State Establishment “Project Management Unit for Electro-Energy Sector” (PMUES). The Executing Agency has proposed, on Golovnaya HPP Rehabilitation Project remaining funds, the rehabilitation of Vose regional substation, installation of 10 km 110 kV transmission line and building a new 110 kV substation to reconnect several villages in Vose district to the regional power supply system.
(More detailed information can be found in the file)
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