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14.12.2021 Tajikistan: Regional Power Transmission Project


1. Tajikistan has made great strides in developing its power supply system since its
independence in 1991. However, the country’s power sector suffers from incomplete policies
and timid sector reforms, multiple structural weaknesses, and insufficiencies in sector core
functions (i.e., generation, transmission, and distribution) as well as inefficient consumption
by households, businesses, and government consumers.1 This is compounded by a
ballooning debt crisis that has become unsustainable. The main contributors to this crisis are
underpricing and nonpayment, high power system losses, aged and obsolete metering and
billing systems, weakness in financial management, insufficient cash flow, high debt service
obligations, large foreign exchange losses on grants and loans, lack of accountability, little
transparency, and poor sector governance.

(More detailed information can be found in the file)

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