1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1. This Report is a Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (SA-EMR) for Reconnection
to the Central Asian Power System Project, ADB Grant 0622-TAJ covering the period
from January to June 2021.
2. This Report is the 3rd SA-EMR for the Project.
1.2 Key Information
3. The Project objective is to ensure the power exchange of Tajikistan with Uzbekistan and
the reconnection of Tajikistan with the Central Asian Power System (CAPS). The Project provides
for the complete restoration and reconnection of the Tajik power system with Uzbek
power system. This means the restoration of parallel operation of the Tajik energy system with
the regional one, from which Tajikistan has been cut off in 2009. Within the Project framework
in order to synchronize the electrical networks of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, it is planned to
install modern relays, circuit breakers, instrument transformers, auxiliary, and other equipment
that will increase system reliability and will be installed at the connection points on 220 kV and
500 kV transmission lines.
4. In the north of Tajikistan, it is planned to install two new points of connection of Tajik
network to Uzbek power system that will increase the stability of the parallel operation of the
two power systems. This Project allows Tajikistan to export summer surplus electricity to Uzbekistan,
and ensure more efficient use of regional power resources