1.1 Preamble
1. This report represents the Semi - Annual Environmental Monitoring Review (SAEMR)
for the Wholesale Metering and Transmission Reinforcement Project. No Semi - Annual
Social Monitoring Review has been prepared for the current reporting period since
there are no relevant social impacts associated to Package 4.
2. This report is the 11th EMR for the project for the January-June 2021 reporting period.
3. The Project has been extended until March 2022 after the incorporation of Package 4.
1.2 Headline Information
4. In Lot 1 on Wholesale Metering System, the meters Factory Acceptance Test was
conducted successfully in July 2018 by the Contractor Huawei/ TBEA. The Contractor
has selected the subcontractor Cuculus GmbH for the software part. A problem with the
firmware of the meters has been detected, so the testing of the firmware supposed to
be repeated along with the meters´ firmware update at the substations. Firmware
activities are still ongoing. 100% of the meters in the substations have been installed as
of end of December 2020. The construction of the foundations and erection of the
Current and Voltage Transformers inside the substations was completed by September