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1.1 Preamble
1. This report represents the Semi - Annual Environmental Monitoring Review (SAEMR) for
the Wholesale Metering and Transmission Reinforcement Project.
2. This report is the 11th SAEMR for the project for the July-December 2021 reporting period.
3. The Project was extended until March 2022 after the incorporation of Package 4, and
recently it has been extended further until the end of October 2022.
1.2 Headline Information
4. In Lot 1 on Wholesale Metering System, the meters Factory Acceptance Test was
conducted successfully in July 2018 by the Contractor Huawei/ TBEA. The Contractor has selected
the subcontractor Cuculus GmbH for the software part. 100% of the meters in the substations have
been installed as of end of December 2020. The construction of the foundations and erection of the
Current and Voltage Transformers inside the substations was completed by September 2019. The
only missing activities are the losses reports in relation to the SSs and the cybersecurity certificate,
the vector diagram and the full integration with the Landis + Gyr meter.
5. Regarding the Amendment 2 of Lot 2´s work, which includes the renovation of 110 kV
switchyard at Rudaki Substation, it started in April 2018. Every activity was developed inside the
plot of the Substation and on a working installation. TBEA completed the construction of OHL in
October 2018. Renovation of SS Rudaki and extension of SS Ayni were completed in March 2019.
6. Package 4. The objective of the additional subproject is to enhance the system enabling it
to control the fluxes of energy in the Transmission Grid item by item from higher to lower levels,
meaning all the items, lines, power transformers and busbars in the levels of voltage 500, 220, 110
and 35 kV. The objective is increasing redundancy of measurements on the top levels and full
control of losses. Besides, it can provide relevant information of fluxes of energy between different
segments of the grid. Package 4 activities are executed inside the substations which are already
owned by Barqi Tojik and are located geographically around the country at the substations in the
Khatlon region (Vakhsh, Yavan, Kulyab and Nurek districts), Sughd region (Isfara, Istarafshan,
Khujand, Penjakent) and the Regions of the Republican Subordination (Rasht and Varzob districts).
The environmental assessment was carried out and IEE was disclosed on ADB website in August
20201, concluding that the implementation of this sub-project will have limited potential
environmental impacts that will have to be mitigated through the implementation of the revised sitespecific
Environmental and Social Management Plan (SSEMP) and the topic-focused procedures
and management plans to be developed by the Contractor. Package 4 was awarded in December
2020 to the JV TGEM-SANXING and it is scheduled to be completed by 31 October 2022. The
Contractor’s Environmental, Health and Safety Plan for Package 4 is in place since 26 April 2021.
The civil works for the construction of the foundations for the equipment are undergoing and they
have been completed at a 70% by the end of May 2022.
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