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Description of the Subproject In frame of subcomponent 1B of the CASA-1000 Community Support project it is proposed to build 110/10 kV «Isfara-1» Substation in Isfara district of Sughd province at the 0,33 ha area or 3290м2 (size 70mх47m) of state owned lands, and its supporting infrastructure as 110kV power transmission lines to connect this substation to the existing 110kV power transmission line (length 0.5 km), 10kV power transmission lines outgoing from the substation (length 9.6 km l), 0.4 kV power lines for connecting consumers in Vakhdat settlement (length 24 km) as well as a double-circuit 10 kV power transmission line and for ringing with operating 10 kV overhead lines extending from the existing 110/35/10 kV Isfara substation (length 2.5 km). Details of the proposed activities and components are provided below.
The subproject (further “project”) is divided into 3 parts as follows: Part 1: Construction of a new 110/10 kV «Isfara-1» Substation The layout of 110 kV switchgear for 110/10 kV substation should be adopted according to the 110-4N scheme: two units with a switch and a non-automatic jumper on the line side. The substation should be equipped with two (2) OHL sections, two (2) 110/10 kV power transformers of 10/16 MVA capacity, with Oil Natural, Oil Natural/Air Natural and Air Forced cooling. On 10 kV side of the projected 110/10 kV ―Isfara-1‖ Substation it is envisaged to construct a substation control building with a room where 10 kV switchgear will be located taking into account installation of 16 cells for 10 kV outgoing feeders, including two cells for connecting buses of 10 kV transformer (T1 and T2), two cells for connective voltage transformers, one cell for bus-section breaker, one cell for bussection disconnector and 10 cells for 10 kV outgoing feeders - 110 kV switchgear at 110/10 kV «Isfara-1» Substation. The following new 110 kV equipment should be included in the scope of supply and services: • 2 (two) cells for overhead power lines • 2 (two) transformer cells. o 1 (one)non-automatic jumper (for intersectional switchgear 110 kV) consisting of: 2 (two) disconnector set, operated manually and via electrical drive; o 2 (two) sample cells each consisting of 3 (three) excessvoltage suppressor (surge arrester); o 1 (one) disconnector set with 2 (two) grounding blades; o 3 (three) voltage transformers. - 110 kV Power transformers include 2 (two) 121/11 kV, 10/16 MVA double-winding transformer, with oil natural/air natural and oil natural/forced air (ONAN/ONAF) cooling, (two) sets of 10 kV (neutral grounding), complete with arrester, trip recorder and leakage current meter. - 12 kV external switch-disconnector and auxiliary transformers - Control and monitoring equipment for connecting to the SCADA system of OJSHC ―Barqi Tojik and to arrangement of a local monitoring and control system with a working place for duty personnel (the design must be agreed with the Client). External (outdoor) lighting of the substation and the internal lighting of the substation control building will be supplied by two auxiliary transformers, the power of which shall be at least 63 kVA. - A set of DC equipment. - The emergency lighting system (= 220V (DC)) must be installed in the substation control building
The proposed approximate location and layout of the Isfara substation is presented at Figures below.
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